The aim of the present study is to examine the influence of website quality on consumer's eloyalty, noting the mediating role of e-trust, e-satisfaction, and perceived enjoyment. Besides, this study examines the consequence of consumer's e-loyalty. Survey data collected from 594 respondents aged at least 16 years and performed some online shopping through websites in Vietnam. Based on the theoretical framework, PLS-SEM using SmartPLS 3.0 software was deployed to discover links between the constructs. The results showed a positive effect of website quality on e-loyalty, which was mediated partially through consumer e-trust and esatisfaction. Moreover, e-loyalty had a positive association with electronic word of mouth (eWOM) as well. The main findings of this research provide some empirical implications for Internet marketers and online retailers in Vietnam. E-vendors should understand the customers' expectations and e-loyalty regarding online shopping to attract new customers as well as to retain their existing customers.