We have investigated the structure property relationship of organic molecules with Donor-Linker-Acceptor (DLA) framework which can be used as precursors of OLED materials employing Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Time dependent DFT calculations. Two types of linkers' thiophene (π-conjugated) and ethylene (non-π-conjugated), carbazole as electron donor and cyano-substituted benzene as electron acceptor in DLA framework are chosen. Donor-Linker-Acceptor network allows the HOMO and LUMO orbitals to be spatially separated reducing the overlap of frontier orbitals decreasing the exchange energy (J) which results in smaller ΔEST (energy gap between excited singlet and triplet states) thus allowing us to realize metal free molecules suitable for OLED applications. Incorporation of donor and acceptor groups in the same moiety helps in reducing the number of layers conventionally used in OLEDS, reducing the cost with more simplified device fabrication. By enhancing the electron donating nature of donor group and increasing the withdrawing nature of acceptor group we observe a decrease in exchange energy, which is further decreased by a non-conjugated linker. Important properties like change in dipole moments, absorption and emission energies corresponding oscillator strengths, transport energy gaps, electron affinities, ionization potentials (vertical and adiabatic), reorganization energies, and exciton binding energies of various substituted molecules are investigated and their role in determining the efficiencies are discussed. In order to account the effects of solvents and their role in altering various properties, the studies are carried out in polar and non-polar solvent phases in addition to the gas phase calculations.
Please do not adjust marginsPlease do not adjust margins towards HOMO are found to be 89%, 9% and 2% and for LUMO 2%, 35% and 63% respectively. For 2.a, the contribution of donor, linker and acceptor towards HOMO are found to be 95%, 4% and 1% and for LUMO 1%, 4% and 95% respectively. Figure 3. HOMO, LUMO orbitals of molecules with thiophene linker (1.a-1.e) and ethylene linker (2.a-2.e). Grey, white, blue, red and yellow colours indicate carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur atoms respectively.
Graphical AbstractWe have investigated the structure property relationship of organic molecules with Donor-Linker-Acceptor (DLA) framework which can be used as precursors of OLED materials employing Density Functional Theory (DFT). Two types of linkers thiophene (π-conjugated) and ethylene (non-πconjugated), carbazole as electron donor and cyano-substituted benzene as electron acceptor in DLA framework are chosen. By enhancing the electron donating nature of donor group and increasing the withdrawing nature of acceptor group we observe a decrease in exchange energy, which is further decreased by a non-conjugated linker. Important properties like energy gap between excited singlet and triplet states, change in dipole moments, absorption and emission energies corresponding oscillator strengths, tra...