This paper presents a multicontroller structure for an SEIADR (susceptible-exposedsymptomatic infectious-asymptomatic infectious-dead lying bodies recovered by immunity, or immune, subpopulations) epidemic model, which has three different controls involving feedback, namely, the vaccination on the susceptible subpopulation, the antiviral treatment on the symptomatic infectious subpopulation, and the impulsive removal on the infective lying bodies. The incorporation of the asymptomatic infectious and infective dead bodies to SEIR-type models allows a better modeling of diseases where the death bodies are infective as, for instance, the Ebola disease. The proposed supervised multicontroller scheme consists of a parallel disposal of several alternative controller parameterizations together with a switching scheme that chooses the active controller through consecutive time intervals via a supervisory decision scheme. The supervisory scheme decides to switch or not at testing time instants. Switching is performed to a distinct active scheme to the current active if the tentative controller minimizes the value of a loss function compared to the values of the other control schemes available in the parallel controller disposal. The supervisory loss (or cost) function incorporates several additive weighted terms including the infection loss function evolution and the vaccination, antiviral treatment, and bodies removal efforts.