“…We have identified, from published research (reviewed in: [ 23 , 24 , 25 , 29 , 30 ]) 17 miRNAs that are transferred within exosomes from cancer cells to innate immune cells: macrophages, natural killer cells and dendritic cells, and exert pro-tumoral function ( Figure 5 ). Out of 17 exosomal pro-tumoral miRNAs, 11 miRNAs were exclusively transferred to monocytes/microphages, 3 miRNAs were exclusively transferred to NK cells, 1 miRNA was common between the monocytes/microphages and NK cells, 1 miRNA was common between the monocytes/microphages and dendritic cells, and 1 miRNA was common between the monocytes/microphages, NK cells and dendritic cells.…”