To extract the maximum information about the object from a series of binary samples in ghost imaging applications, we propose and demonstrate a framework for optimizing the performance of ghost imaging with binary sampling to approach the results without binarization. The method is based on maximizing the information content of the signal arm detection, by formulating and solving the appropriate parameter estimation problem -finding the binarization threshold that would yield the reconstructed image with optimal Fisher information properties. Applying the 1-bit quantized Poisson statistics to a ghost-imaging model with pseudo-thermal light, we derive the fundamental limit, i.e., the Cramér-Rao lower bound, as the benchmark for the evaluation of the accuracy of the estimator. Our theoertical model and experimental results suggest that, with the optimal binarization threshold, coincident with the statistical mean of all bucket samples, and large number of measurements, the performance of binary sampling GI can approach that of the ordinary one without binarization.