The recent realization of two-dimensional (2D) synthetic spin-orbit (SO) coupling opens a broad avenue to study novel topological states for ultracold atoms. Here, we propose a new scheme to realize exotic chiral Fulde-Ferrell superfluid for ultracold fermions, with a generic theory being shown that the topology of superfluid pairing phases can be determined from the normal states. The main findings are two fold. First, a semimetal is driven by a new type of 2D SO coupling whose realization is even simpler than the recent experiment, and can be tuned into massive Dirac fermion phases with or without inversion symmetry. Without inversion symmetry the superfluid phase with nonzero pairing momentum is favored under an attractive interaction. Furthermore, we show a fundamental theorem that the topology of a 2D chiral superfluid can be uniquely determined from the unpaired normal states, with which the topological chiral Fulde-Ferrell superfluid with a broad topological region is predicted for the present system. This generic theorem is also useful for condensed matter physics and material science in search for new topological superconductors.Introduction.-The recent experimental realization of two-dimensional (2D) spin-orbit (SO) coupling for ultracold atoms [1][2][3], which corresponds to synthetic nonAbelian gauge potentials [4][5][6], advances an essential step to explore novel topological quantum phases beyond natural conditions. Ultracold fermions with SO coupling can favor the realization of topological superfluids (TSFs) (similar as topological superconductors in solids [7][8][9][10][11][12][13]) based on an s-wave Feshbach resonance [14,15], which are highly-sought-after quantum phases for their ability to host non-Abelian Majorana zero modes and implement topological quantum computation [22][23][24][25]. Note that a superfluid phase has to exist in 2D or 3D regime, so having a 2D or 3D SO coupling is the basic requirement for such realization of gapped TSFs. While experimental studies of TSFs are yet to be available, different proposals have been introduced for Rashba and Dirac type SO coupled systems [16][17][18][19][20][21], with BCS or FFLO pairing orders [26,27]. When the Fermi energy crosses only a single (or odd number of) Fermi surface (FS), the SO coupling forces Cooper pairs into effective p-wave type, rendering a TSF phase [23]. However, in the generic case it is not known so far whether there is a universal way to precisely determine the topology, e.g. Chern numbers, of a superfluid phase induced in normal bands. On the other hand, to achieve a TSF phase integrates several essential ingredients, which may bring challenges for the experiment. The minimal schemes of realization are therefore desired to ensure high feasibility of real studies.