Aim: Fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) is characterized with diffuse pain and sensitivity at specific anatomical points and occurs together with mood, sleep and cognitive disorders. Life quality of the patients was destroyed and this situation creates an important economical issue in the medical care system.According to different antigens placed on the surface of red blood cells, there are four different blood type groups such as A, B, O and AB. To give nutritional recommendations for different blood types became one of the most popular topics in last decades. In this study, we investigated the link between FS and ABO blood types.Methods: In this study, we included 200 female patients with FS diagnosis (according to American College of Rheumatology, 2010 criteria) who visited our Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic between July 2015 and December 2015. The patients' age, blood group, Rh antigen system were saved. Control group was also formed from 185 volunteer healthy female patients. P<0.05 was evaluated as statistically significant.Results: In our study, age distribution of FS group (N=200) was 40.6±10.8 and for control group (N=185), it was 43.0±14.8. In the control group, 58 people was A type (%31,4), 29 people was B type (%15.7), 23 people was AB type (%12.4) and 75 people (40.5%) was O type blood group according to ABO classification system. In the FS group, 60 people was A type (%30), 21 people was B type (%10.5), 10 people was AB type (%5) and 109 people (54.5%) was O type blood group according to ABO classification system. In both groups, a statistically significant difference was observed (p=0.03). There were more O type blood group carrying patients were detected in FS group.Conclusion: Most of the treatments used for FS are not effective. In order to decrease oxidative stress, weight management, nutritional condition, diet and nutrition supplement are important in these patients. To see more O type carrying people in FS group will guide us for etiopathogenesis, monitoring, clinical follow and treatment.Keywords: fibromyalgia -ABO blood type -nutrition. тҰжЫРЫМДАМА Мақсаты: Фибромиалгия синдромы (Фс) белгілі анатомиялық нүктелердегі араласқан ауыру мен сезімталдықпен сипатталады және көңіл-күйдің, ұйқының және таным қабілетінің бұзылуымен пайда болады. Осындай пациенттердің өмір сүру сапасы бұзылған және бұл жағдай денсаулық сақтау жүйесінде маңызды экономикалық проблема тудырады.Эритроциттердің бетіне орналасқан әртүрлі антиденелерге сәйкес А, В, О және АВ сияқты қан топтарының әр түрлері бар. Қан тобының әр түрлері үшін тамақтану бойынша ұсыныстар беру соңғы онжылдықта ең өзекті тақырыптардың бірі болды. Осы зерттеуде біз ФС мен АВО қан тобының түрлері арасындағы байланысты зерттедік.