Aims: In any agricultural production system, combining organic and chemical fertilizers into the soil is regarded as a useful management practice since it boosts soil fertility and crop growth. The goal of the current study was to ascertain the effects of combined organic and inorganic fertilizer treatment on the yield contributing traits, yield, nutrient uptake and nutrient use efficiency of BRRI dhan89 in a single Boro cropping area.
Study Design: With three replications, the experiment was set up in a two factor RCB design. Organic fertilizer treatment was regarded as Factor-a, while inorganic fertilizer as Factor-b.
Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was conducted in a farmer's field in Nagarkanda, Faridpur, Bangladesh from December 2021 to May 2022.
Methodology: Factor-a comprises two treatments named cowdung (CD) and poultry manure (PM). Factor-b comprises five treatments named T0 (control), T1, T2, T3, and T4. In the main field, organic fertilizers were used just two weeks prior to transplanting. In all inorganic fertilizer treatments, Urea top dressed in three installments at 15 DAT, 30 DAT and 5 days before panicle initiation. In T4 treatment, MoP split at two installments, one during final land preparation and another 5 days before panicle initiation.
Results: The highest no. of effective tillers, yield contributing traits, grain yield, straw yield, nutrient concentration (%) in both grain and straw, nutrient uptake by grain and straw observed in organic fertilizer treatment PM, inorganic fertilizer treatment T4 and treatment interaction PM × T4 whereas the lowest found in CD, T0 and CD × T0. The maximum nutrient use efficiency was recorded by PM × T4 treatment interaction and minimum in CD × T1.
Conclusion: Comparing all of the treatments employed in the current study, the treatment interaction PM × T4 generated the best results for BRRI dhan89 in a single Boro cropping area.