Calculations on solid (S)-liquid ( w L )-gas (G)-phase equilibria of selected ternary {water + salt + gas} and quaternary {water + salt 1 + salt 2 + gas} systems (salt = NaCl, KCl, CaCl 2 ; gas = CH 4 , CO 2 ) comprising a gas clathrate hydrate phase (S ≡ H) have been performed. The thermodynamic description of the liquid phase non-idealities observed in these systems has been provided by means of the semi-empirical electrolyte NRTL (eNRTL) excess Gibbs energy model. Multicomponent expressions for individual as well as mean ionic activity coefficients as defined by both, a previous and the most recent version of the eNRTL model, have been implemented in a computer programme written in the Java programming language. Basic model parameters are provided by means of a data bank set up in the xml file format. The correctness of the programme implementation of the eNRTL expressions has been verified by comparing the results of selected example calculations with corresponding results given in the original literature sources. The programme code of the model implementation has been incorporated into a previously developed in-house programme enabling to perform equilibrium calculations on non-electrolyte aqueous systems involving gas hydrate phases. In the H-L w -G calculations, fugacities in the gas phase were calculated by means of the SoaveRedlich-Kwong (SRK) equation of state (EOS), whereas a Henry's law approach in combination with the eNRTL model has been applied to characterise the liquid phase. The van der Waals and Platteeuw model has been used to describe the gas clathrate hydrate phase. A satisfying predictive description of the experimental p-T-H-L w -G phase equilibrium data is achieved with average absolute relative deviations (AARD) between experimental and calculated pressures ranging from 1 % to 15 %.