“…However, contemporary studies have revealed that the projections of neurons within the midline/intralaminar complex are specific for distinct forebrain targets Groenewegen, 1990, 1991;Moga et al, 1995;Turner and Herkenham, 1991), and have challenged the concept of 'nonspecificity' of these nuclei (Groenewegen and Berendse, 1994). The midline/intralaminar nuclei have figured prominently both in recent post-mortem and imaging studies and in theoretical considerations of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia (Andreasen, 1997;Buchsbaum et al, 1996;Byne et al, 2002;Cohen and Yurgelun-Todd, 2001;Deutch et al, 1995;Popken et al, 2000) addictive disorders (Staley and Mash, 1996;Volkow et al, 1996Volkow et al, , 1997Wang et al, 1997;Yousef et al, 1995), and Parkinson's disease (PD) (Feigin et al, 2002;Filion, 2000;Freeman et al, 2001;Henderson et al, 2000;Hershey et al, 1998;Kaasinen et al, 2000).…”