“…The simulation framework is based on the phase-field method [15] and contains multi-physical coupling to fields such as temperature, concentration or stresses to include their effect on microstructure evolution. The solver contains modules for diffuse interface approaches (Allen-Cahn, Cahn-Hilliard) [15], grain growth [16][17][18], grain coarsening [19,20], sintering [21,22], solidification [23,24], mass and heat transport, fluid flow (Lattice-Boltzmann, Navier-Stokes) [25], mechanical deformation (elasticity, plasticity) [26][27][28], magnetism [29], electrochemistry [30] and wetting [31,32]. The equations are discretized in space with a finite difference scheme and in time with different time integration methods such as explicit Euler schemes and implicit Euler via conjugated gradient methods [22,33].…”