“…Electrospun fibers possess the potential for outstanding characteristics, such as very large surface area to volume ratios, advanced mechanical performance (e.g., stiffness and tensile strength), unique physical and chemical properties, fabricability with multiple polymers, tuning of fiber diameters and flexibility in surface functionalities, compared with any other known forms of the materials. These superior properties make electrospun fibers potential candidates for diverse fields of applications, [ 5 ] including food packaging, [ 6 ] pharmaceuticals, [ 7 ] biomedical applications such as drug delivery, [ 8 ] tissue engineering, [ 9 ] wound dressing and cosmetics, [ 10 ] functional materials and devices such as filters, [ 11 ] template fibers for nanotubes, [ 12 ] composite reinforcement, [ 13 ] actuators, [ 14 ] protective clothing and smart textiles, [ 15 ] aerogels and responsive gel fibers, [13c,16] sponges, [ 17 ] and energy and electronics such as batteries/cells, [ 18 ] thermal insulation, [ 19 ] supercapacitors, [ 20 ] and EMI shielding, [ 21 ] and sensors and catalysts. [ 22 ] In all these applications, the electrospun fibers are subjected to stresses from the surrounding environment during their service lifetime.…”