E. 2010. Chemical and microbiological properties of clam processing wastes in relation to national guidelines for wastes as soil additives. Can. J. Soil Sci. 90: 649Á653. With environmental concerns on the rise, clam processing plants in New Brunswick are being asked to dispose of waste shells in an environmental friendly manner. A previous study on clam processing wastes (CPW) showed their potential as an agricultural liming agent. However, CPW must meet provincial (e.g., New Brunswick and Que´bec) and national (e.g., Canada and United States of America) standards for the utilization of wastes as soil additives, particularly with regard to heavy metal and faecal coliform contamination, before they may be spread on agricultural lands. In this study, the chemical and microbiological properties of CPW were characterized. The presence of faecal coliforms and Escherichia coli in the CPW was below the most probable number (MPN) method detection limit (B3 MPN g(1 dry weight), indicating an absence of contamination by human or animal feces. Where total coliforms were detected, levels were far below the most restrictive standard for faecal coliforms (1000 MPN g(1 , dry weight). Levels of all 11 heavy metals of interest were also below the most restrictive standards applied in New Brunswick and Que´bec, and below those in the national guidelines (Canada and United States of America). The liming potential of CPW, demonstrated in pot experiments, may therefore be tested in Canada as well as in the United States of America at the field conditions without restrictions, other than the conventional good agricultural practices.Key words: Clam processing wastes, liming, heavy metal, pathogens, guidelines Owen, J., LeBlanc, S., Toner, P., Nduwamungu, C. et Fava, E. 2010. Proprie´te´s chimiques et microbiologiques des de´chets de transformation des mollusques selon les normes nationales applicables a`l'addition de re´sidus au sol. Can. J. Soil Sci. 90: 649Á653. Les pre´occupations d'ordre environnemental ne cessant de croıˆtre, on demande de plus en plus aux usines de transformation des mollusques du Nouveau-Brunswick d'e´liminer les coquilles des mollusques d'une manie`re soucieuse de l'environnement. Une e´tude ante´rieure sur les de´chets de transformation des mollusques (DTM) avait re´ve´le´le potentiel de ces derniers comme agent de chaulage pour les terres agricoles. Cependant, avant qu'on puisse les e´pandre sur les terres, les DTM doivent respecter les normes provinciales (Nouveau-Brunswick et Que´bec) et nationales (Canada et É tats-Unis) concernant l'usage de tels re´sidus comme amendement, surtout en ce qui concerne leur contamination par des me´taux lourds et des coliformes fe´caux. L'e´tude a permis de pre´ciser les proprie´te´s chimiques et microbiologiques des DTM. La concentration de coliformes fe´caux et de Escherichia coli dans les DTM est infe´rieure au seuil de tole´rance e´tabli par la me´thode du nombre le plus probable (NPP; B3 NPP par g de poids sec), signe que les re´sidus ne sont pas contamine´s par les ...