To identify barriers and facilitators that influence the implementation of paediatric clinical pharmacy services in Hong Kong public hospitals from physicians' and nurses' perspectives.
MethodsA qualitative study was conducted based on semi-structured interviews of physicians and nurses who worked in the field of paediatrics in four public hospitals in Hong Kong. Interviews were held via telephone conversations using spoken Cantonese which were audio recorded, then translated and transcribed directly into English by the research team. Thematic analysis was used for data analysis and reflexivity was engaged through member checking, making field notes, and reporting using the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Studies checklist.
ResultsA total of six barriers and five facilitators were identified from interviewing 17 participants, which included seven physicians and ten nurses. The barriers identified were the public's lack of understanding and recognition of clinical pharmacists, a culture of medical dominance, lack of resources and heavy workload, the need for a more transparent and defined role of clinical pharmacist at the institutional level, lack of proactive approach and involvement in direct patient care activities. The facilitators identified were the belief in the improvement of patient outcomes and the overall pharmaceutical service efficiency, trust and confidence in clinical pharmacy services, filling the clinical gap as a medicine information provider, and direct and coherent communication as a multidisciplinary team member.
ConclusionsPhysicians and nurses reported that the implementation of paediatric clinical pharmacy services was adequate, but several key barriers were identified at both the external and internal levels.