Abstract. Reversed field pinches (RFP) plasmas are typically overdense (ω pe > Ω ce ) and thus not suitable for conventional electron cyclotron (EC) heating and current drive. In recent high plasma current discharges (I p > 1.5 MA), however, the RFX-mod device was operated in underdense conditions (ω pe < Ω ce ) for the first time in an RFP. Thus, it is now possible to envisage heating the RFP plasma core by conventional EC at the 2nd harmonic, in the ordinary or extraordinary mode. We present a preliminary study of EC-heating feasibility in RFX-mod with the use of beamtracing and full-wave codes. Although not competitive -as a heating system -with multi-MW Ohmic heating in an RFP, EC might be useful for perturbative transport studies, even at moderate power (hundreds of kW), and, more generally, for applications requiring localized power deposition.
-Introduction.There is an ongoing interest in using radio-frequency (rf) waves in RFPs in order to control the current density profile in the plasma periphery. Since RFPs typically operate with overdense plasmas (ω pe /Ω ce ≫ 1, with ω pe = (e 2 n e /(ε 0 m e )) 1/2 the electron plasma angular frequency and Ω ce = e B/m e the electron cyclotron angular frequency), except for a thin layer at the edge, the efforts have been oriented to lower hybrid and electron Bernstein waves [1,2]. However, none of the usual rf schemes can access the plasma core of typical RFP plasmas, except for high plasma current discharges (I p > 1.5 MA) recently obtained in the RFX-mod device with an extended set of active control coils [3].The confining magnetic field on axis scales with the plasma current [MA] , with a = 0.46 m the RFX-mod minor radius and δ d the RFP paramagnetic amplification factor. According to the µ&p model (see Eq.(6) of [2] for a simplified version), for typical RFX-mod equilibria 2.2 < δ d < 2.6. Hereafter, we assume δ d = 2.3, which implies B 0[T] ≈ I p [MA] . Consequently, the nth EC harmonic frequency on the plasma axis scales with I p like f [GHz] = 28 n I p [MA] . For I p > 1.5 MA the 2nd EC (i.e. n = 2) harmonic in the plasma core is above 80 GHz. At this range of frequencies, the wave accessibility constraint on the plasma density is not particularly severe. In fact, if we make use of the dimensionless density X = ω 2 pe /ω 2 and magnetic field Y = Ω ce /ω, where ω = 2π f is the angular frequency of the injected waves, the cutoffs of O-and X-mode are X = 1 and X = (1 − Y )(1 − N 2 ) = (n − 1)/n (1 − N 2 ), respectively, with N the parallel component of the refractive index. Hereafter we