5We sense our environment through pathways linking sensory organs to the brain. In the visual 6 system, these feedforward pathways define the classical feedforward receptive field (ffRF), the area 7 in space where visual stimuli excite a neuron 1 . The visual system also uses visual context, the visual 8 scene surrounding a stimulus, to predict the content of the stimulus 2 , and accordingly, neurons have 9 been found that are excited by stimuli outside their ffRF [3][4][5][6][7][8] . The mechanisms generating excitation to 10 stimuli outside the ffRF are, however, unclear. Here we show that feedback projections onto 11 excitatory neurons in mouse primary visual cortex (V1) generate a second receptive field driven by 12 stimuli outside the ffRF. Stimulating this feedback receptive field (fbRF) elicits slow and delayed 13 responses compared to ffRF stimulation. These responses are preferentially reduced by anesthesia 14 and, importantly, by silencing higher visual areas (HVAs). Feedback inputs from HVAs have 15 scattered receptive fields relative to their putative V1 targets enabling the generation of the fbRF. 16 Neurons with fbRFs are located in cortical layers receiving strong feedback projections and are 17 absent in the main input layer, consistent with a laminar processing hierarchy. The fbRF and the 18 ffRF are mutually antagonistic since large, uniform stimuli, covering both, suppress responses. While 19 somatostatin-expressing inhibitory neurons are driven by these large stimuli, parvalbumin and 20 vasoactive-intestinal-peptide-expressing inhibitory neurons have antagonistic fbRF and ffRF, similar 21to excitatory neurons. Therefore, feedback projections may enable neurons to use context to predict 22 and were strongly suppressed with increasing grating size (90 ± 1% suppression at 85°; mean ± SEM; 1190 33 neurons in 9 mice). Thus, consistent with previous reports, layer 2/3 excitatory neurons in V1 had a ffRF 34 diameter greater than 10° on average 9-12 and their responses were suppressed when a stimulus extended 35 beyond the ffRF to cover surrounding regions [13][14][15] . 36To determine the spatial extent of the suppressive regions, we presented a full-field grating in which a 37 portion was masked by a gray circular patch (Fig. 1a, b). We reasoned that if a large grating suppresses the 38 excitatory neuron's response because it stimulates suppressive regions surrounding the ffRF, the response 39 of the excitatory neuron should be partially recovered when a gray patch is placed on a suppressive region, 40i.e. when part of the suppressive region is not stimulated. We varied the location of the gray patch along 41 the same grid used to determine the center of the neuron's ffRF (see Methods). By averaging the responses 42 to these stimulus grids across neurons, we obtained two separate activity maps; one of the ffRF and one of 43 the suppressive regions. Unexpectedly, the peak of the map of the suppressive regions overlapped with the 44 peak of the ffRF map (Fig. 1b). This suggests that, at the population...