“…Recently, the natural occurrence of begomovirus-caused disease in many crops like Amaranthus, Beans, Cucurbits, Okra, Tomato, and Corchorus has been reported in Saudi Arabia (Idris et al 2012;Al-Saleh et al 2014a, b;Sohrab 2016Sohrab , 2017Sohrab et al 2016aSohrab et al , b, c, d, e, 2017a. Globally, many viruses have been reported from mint species (Tzanetakis et al 2010) and the natural occurrence of begomoviruses on mint species has been reported as Tomato leaf curl Pakistan virus (Samad et al 2008), Tomato leaf curl Karnataka virus, Cotton leaf curl Multan virus (Borah and Dasgupta 2012), Chilli leaf curl India virus, Ageratum yellow vein virus betasatellite (Saeed et al 2014. Based on the published information on natural occurrence of begomoviruses on various crops in the Kingdom, this work was conducted to identify the association of virus with yellow vein mosaic disease of M. longifolia.…”