“…To choose the values for parameters that are specific to particular estimators— q and c in the Gibbs sampler, initial values in Gibbs and EM, the convergence criterion in EM, and the number of iterations in the Gibbs, EM, GMM, and RIS estimators—we ran a small number of simulations until we obtained reasonable results. The final decision for the values of the parameters is furthermore based on the literature on the estimators discussed in this paper (e.g., McMillen, ; Beron and Vijverberg, ; Klier and McMillen, ), and that on policy and regime diffusion (e.g., Gleditsch and Ward, ; Baturo and Gray, ). For the maximization procedure in the EM, RIS, and Pinkse and Slade () estimators, we use the optim() function in R with a maximum number of iterations of 1,000.…”