A comparison is reported between the variable-range hopping resistivity (vrh) of chemically (CdTe : Cl, Si : (As), P, B) or neutron transmutation doped (NTD) (GaAs : Ge, Se; Ge : As, Ga) crystals which is: r(T) = r 0 exp (T 0 /T) 1/2 with the one-electron expression of Efros and Shklovskii: r(T) = r 0 exp (T ES /T) 1/2 . In the dilute limit of small doping concentrations N ( N c (N c is the critical doping concentration of the metal-insulator transition) and low or medium compensation K, the experimentally found values of T 0 are much smaller than T ES . This can be due to manyparticle excitations which reduce the Coulomb gap width. In isotopically engineered (IE) NTD-p-Ge at very high K = 0.9, where a large scale potential relief exists, a good agreement was found: T 0 ffi T ES = 2.8 e 2 /k B a B 4pe 0 j 0 (a B is the localization length and k the dielectric constant). The one-electron theory seems to be a good approximation in this case.