Cover: The small cross section in the lower right part shows inter-and/or transcrystalline cracks in the wall sheet of a 20 years old swimming pool made of stainless steel. The samples tested as well as the visual on-site inspection revealed pitting at the outer surface of the wall sheet (see large photograph) which initiated stress corrosion cracking. The main cause for the pitting was not an unsuitable material but the environmental conditions at the outer surface enabling accumulation of chloride ions. (Copyright: BAM) Heat tints on stainless steels are known to have a detrimental effect on the corrosion resistance of the welded joints. In this article, a relation between the level of discolouration, thickness, composition and corrosion resistance has been done. Scanning vibrating electrode technique demonstrated that heat tints dissolve electrochemically and pickling is the only post-weld cleaning technique that removes the anodic activity over the welded joint.