“…These studies used various types of ANN to predict accurately the stock price return and the direction of its movement. ANN has been demonstrated to provide promising results in predict the stock price return (Avci, 2007;Egeli, Ozturan, & Badur, 2003;Karaatli, Gungor, Demir, & Kalayci, 2005;Kimoto, Asakawa, Yoda, & Takeoka, 1990;Olson & Mossman, 2003;White, 1988;Yoon & Swales, 1991).. Leung et al (2000) examined various prediction models based on multivariate classification techniques and compared them with a number of parametric and nonparametric models which forecast the direction of the index return. Empirical experimentation suggested that the classification models (discriminant analysis, logit, probit and probabilistic neural network) outperform the level estimation models (adaptive exponential smoothing, vector auto regression with Kalman filter updating, multivariate transfer function and multilayered feed forward neural network) in terms of predicting the direction of the stock market movement and maximizing returns from investment trading.…”