Adsorption of formic acid on rutile TiO2 (110) revisited: An infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy and density functional theory study.
Journal of Chemical Physics
AbstractFormic acid (HCOOH) adsorption on rutile TiO 2 (110) has been studied by s-and p-polarized infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) and spin-polarized density functional theory together with Hubbard U contributions (DFT+U) calculations. To compare with IRRAS spectra, the results from the DFT+U calculations were used to simulate IR spectra by employing a three-layer model, where the adsorbate layer was modelled using Lorentz oscillators with calculated dielectric constants. To account for the experimental observations, four possible formate adsorption geometries were calculated, describing both the perfect (110) surface, and surfaces with defects; either O vacancies or hydroxyls. The binding energy was found to be E bind = 1.84 eV for the bridging bidentate formate species, which bonds with its IRRAS spectra measured on surfaces prepared to be either reduced, stoichiometric, or to contain surplus O adatoms, were found to be very similar. By comparisons with computed spectra, it is concluded that formate binds to in-plane Ti 5c atoms rather than to O vacancy sites. The results emphasize the importance of protonation and reactive surface hydroxylseven under UHV conditions -as reactive sites in e.g. catalytic applications.