In the past few years many advances have been made in the oreoaration of suoramolecular solid materials. Such solids,khIcb usually contain one or more distinctly molecular comoonents. are now being investigated hecause of their potehtial applications in he&rogene& catalysis, molecular electronics, integrated optical systems, and solar energy conversion. The interesting chemical and physical properties that make these applications possible derive from "molecu---lar recognition"-i.e., specific molecule juxtaposition and reactivity in the solid state. The periodicity of crystalline solids also plays an important role in determining the properties of some of these new materials. For example, lattice oeriodicitv can he used to oosition molecules orooerlv for . -. polymerization reactions (I). Cooperative electronic effects whichderive from the Deriodic arrangement of molecules are responsible for the proberries of organic metals (2), semironductors (2). ~u~erronductors (3). and ferromagnets (4).Despite the practical advantages that supramolecular solids offer, our ability to synthesize such materials according to rational designs is still rather primitive. Organic chemists have a t their disposal hundreds of functional group-specific reactions that allow them to prepare molecules of precisely controlled architecture and function; the elegant host-guest chemistrv described hv Francois Diederich and Andrew Hamilton in this syrnp&ium exemplifies the level of design that is now attainable to the creative and persistent synthetic organic chemist. On the other hand, solid state reactions are most often carried out under conditions where only the most stable products are obtained (51, and the solid state analorme of organic functional group chemistry is only now beginbing to dkvelop. This me& that rationilly designed target structures may he synthetically unattainable; likewise, the t b e r m~d~n a m i c a l l~ favored products of a seemingly rational solid state synthesis are often completely unexpected and are sometimes much more interesting than the original target.An excellent examole of the latter ohenomenon is the family of high criticai temperature (~, j cuprate superconductors. which followed Bednorz and Miiller's discoven, of superconductivity in Lan-,Sr,CuO< in 1986 (6). This compound, with x = 0.16, has a T, of 35 K and adopts the relatively simple KnNiFa structure. Cbu and co-workers (7)reasoned that substituting the smaller Y3+ for La3+ would compress the CuOz sheets found in this structure, thereby increasing T,. They prepared a mixed oxide containing Y, Ba, and Cu in the appropriate ratio and found that only a small fraction of the sample underwent a superconducting transition but with the amazingly high T, of 91 K. Subsequent experiments (8.9) showed that the superconducting ohase was an unexoected new com~ound. YBa? , and . . . ... that no K2NiF&pe composition was stable in the Y-BaCu-0 system. Many experiments followed in laboratories around the world, and even higher T, materials (e.g., in the Bi-Sr-...