This paper is a continuation of [2]. We present certain new applications and generalizations of the free field realization of the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra H at level zero. We find explicit formulas for singular vectors in certain Verma modules. A free field realization of self-dual modules for H is presented by combining a bosonic construction of Whittaker modules from [7] with a construction of logarithmic modules for vertex algebras. As an application, we prove that there exists a non-split self-extension of irreducible selfdual module which is a logarithmic module of rank two. We construct a large family of logarithmic modules containing different types of highest weight modules as subquotients. We believe that these logarithmic modules are related with projective covers of irreducible modules in a suitable category of H-modules.In Section 2 we recall from [2] a free field realization of H, the definition of vertex algebra Π(0) and its modules Π(p, r). We study an extension of the Heisenberg-Virasoro vertex algebra Π(0) ⊂ Π(0) and present a structure of Π(0)-modules Π(p, r) in Section 3. By using certain relation in Π(0)-modules we recover formula 1.2 in Section 4. Then we consider a deformed action of H on these modules and obtain a family of modules Π(p, r) [cf. Theorem 5.2, Theorem 5.5] with the following properties:• Π(p, r) is a logarithmic H-module with the following action of the element L(0) of the Virasoro algebra: