Substitution reactions by nucleogenic bromine ions generated in situ via the 76 ' 77 Kr(/3 + , EC) 76,77 Br decay processes were examined in gaseous fluorobenzene and para-difluorobenzene. In the Krmoderated systems at atmospheric pressure only small yields (0.2 to 2 %) of hydrogen and fluorine substitution can be observed. A small nuclear isotope effect (1.2 to 2) with preference for 77 Br substitution products is found independent of the mole fraction of krypton moderator gas present. Fluorine substitution is about two to three times more efficient than Η-substitution. From the moderator dependence of the absolute F-and Η-substitution yields, the relative isomer distribution, and the primary charge-and energydistribution of the radiobromine, it is concluded that decay-induced bromination in the moderated gas phase proceeds via bromine cations. The intermediate formation of arenium and n-fluoronium complexes are discussed. Excitation decomposition of these intermediate complexes explains the relatively low radiochemical yields of the substitution products. Isomerisation processes, however, do not take place.