Recent general AI conferences show a decline in both the number and the quality of vision papers, whereas there is a great growth and specialization of computer vision conferences. Hence, one might conclude that CV is parting, or has parted, company from AI. This essay proposes that the divorce of CV and AI suggested above is actually an \open marriage", and while CV is developing through its own research agenda, there are many shared areas of interest and many of its key goals, assumptions, and characteristics are also clearly found in AI.Keywords: Computer Vision, Image Processing, sub elds of AI It is not easy to infer the relationship between the eld of Computer Vision (hereafter abbreviated CV) and Arti cial Intelligence (hereafter abbreviated AI) from the external appearances of both elds. Recent general AI conferences show a decline in both the number and the quality of vision papers, whereas there is a great growth and specialization of CV conferences. Some CV or robotics researchers even claim that AI is unnecessary or irrelevant { special purpose, dedicated, well-engineered, mathematics based, processes will lead to success.Alternatively, we could consider the interests and directions of the two elds: an examination of many recent CV conferences and journals shows a marked inclination, especially in the more theoretical papers, towards complex mathematics (e.g. geometric invariance, di erential geometry, functional analysis, control theory), models of the physics of light, color, shape, motion appearance, texture, etc., statistical models of the scene and other properties (e.g. fractal, Markov random elds, Bayesian), and non-symbolic image{to{image transformations. Most successful practical vision systems are well-engineered combinations of special purpose sensors, hardware, and algorithms, tailored to solve speci c visual problems (and are generally more successful in proportion to the narrowness of the task). Some texts (e.g. Batchelor 1985]) don't even mention AI nor it's methods. Example practical applications include assembly-line robot welding 1