Certain results, most famously in classical statistical mechanics and complex systems, but also in quantum mechanics and high-energy physics, yield a coarse-grained stable statistical pa ern in the long run. e explanation of these results shares a common structure: the results hold for a 'typical' dynamics, that is, for most of the underlying dynamics. In this paper I argue that the structure of the explanation of these results might shed some light-a di erent light-on philosophical debates on the laws of nature. In the explanation of such pa erns, the speci c form of the underlying dynamics is almost irrelevant. e conditions required, given a free state-space evolution, su ce to account for the coarse-grained lawful behaviour. An analysis of such conditions might thus provide a di erent account of how regular behaviour can occur. is paper focuses on drawing a ention to this type of explanation, outlining it in the diverse areas of physics in which it appears, and discussing its limitations and signi cance in the tractable se ing of classical statistical mechanics.