The universal educational space of extracurricular educational institution has its specific features, in particular, it is universal only for one age category of users. Ergonomic parameters of primary school children, preschoolers, middle-aged and older children differ significantly. To determine the conformity of furniture to a certain height of the child, the concept of "growth group" or "growth group", "growth range" is used. The parameters of furniture for 6 groups are conditionally allocated. The ability to transform the space for different scenarios ensures its most efficient use. Transformations are possible, for example, through the use of movable partitions, mobile furniture and equipment, as well as technical devices.
It is important to create in the learning space areas for individual, group and mass work, centers for independent work and for classes under the teacher or instructor guidance. Various internal space solutions of the environment enable and make more comfortable the processes of learning in groups, communication between groups, the ability to work in large associations, which contributes to the active children socialization.
In accordance with the trends in the educational field, the requirements for educational environments are changing. Through competency and personal approaches that have become popular, the attention of designers should be focused on the possibility of forming the most diverse educational environment containing cells of different scales: for individual work, for individual work with counseling or assistance, for pair work, work in small groups (up to 4 people), in regular groups (up to 15-20 people) and mass work, horizontal and vertical communication (between students of the same age and different ages; between students and teachers; between students of the same learning profile and different profiles).
The environment of the extracurricular education institution should be equipped in accordance with the ergonomic parameters of the users’ age categories. There are options for arranging separate educational facilities for each age category of users (option 1) and an option for arranging an environment with universal equipment that allows to adapt quickly to the children ergonomic parameters. Features of the universal learning room are the use of specific equipment (compared to option 1 increased in size and cost of desks and chairs that allow to adjust quickly the student's workplace to his/her ergonomic parameters), which complicates and somewhat limits the variability of furniture elements combinations in fixed room area (natural light enters the room up to a maximum of 6 meters), increases the area of the room. The effectiveness of each option should be assessed by expert in economic field, taking into account the intensity of premises usage, the area of the institution, its capacity, projected profits and expenses of the institution.