For an ample line bundle L on a complete toric surface X, we consider the subset V L ⊂ |L| of irreducible, nodal, rational curves contained in the smooth locus of X. We study the monodromy map from the fundamental group of V L to the permutation group on the set of nodes of a reference curve C ∈ V L. We identify a certain obstruction map Ψ X defined on the set of nodes of C and show that the image of the monodromy is exactly the group of deck transformations of Ψ X , provided that L is sufficiently big (in the sense we make precise below). Along the way, we construct a handy tool to compute the image of the monodromy for any pair (X, L). Eventually, we present a family of pairs (X, L) with small L and for which the image of the monodromy is strictly smaller than expected.