At this centenary of the discovery of superconductivity, the design of new and more useful superconductors remains as enigmatic as ever. These materials play crucial roles both for fundamental science and applications, and they hold great promise in addressing our global energy challenge. The recent discovery of a new class of high-temperature superconductors has made the community more enthusiastic than ever about finding new superconductors. Historically, these discoveries were almost completely guided by serendipity, and now, researchers in the field have grown into an enthusiastic global network to find a way, together, to predictively design new superconductors. After a short history of discoveries of superconducting materials, we share our own guidelines for searching for hightemperature superconductors. Finally, we show how pointcontact spectroscopy (PCS) is used to detect strong correlations in the normal state, with a focus on the normal state region of the Fe-based superconductors, defining a new region in the phase diagram of Ba(Fe 1−x Co x ) 2 As 2 .Keywords History of superconducting materials · Design of new superconductors · Point-contact spectroscopy · Fe-based superconductors · High-temperature superconductors At this ten carat diamond anniversary (100 years) of the discovery of superconductivity, the silver anniversary (25 years) of the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity, and the blue topaz anniversary (4 years) of the discovery of a new class of high-temperature Fe-based superconductors, it is worth looking back at the history, and modes of discovery of the many classes of known superconductors. We do this not only for historical breadth, but also to see if we can learn to turn our serendipitous discoveries into predictive design of new superconductors. We start with a short history of the field, mention the ubiquitous connection between the tunable superconductors we know of today, their phase diagrams, and demonstrate how we can measure strong correlations in these materials with pointcontact spectroscopy (PCS).The Physics Today article by van Delft and Kes [1] beautifully relates the discovery of superconductivity by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes: The quest for achieving lower temperatures was followed by the curiosity-driven measurements of the resistance of metals at these newly achieved liquid helium temperatures. Mercury was chosen since it was a liquid at room temperature, and therefore easily purified. As described by Stephen Blundell [2], there existed three popular predictions on how the resistance would behave upon approaching absolute zero: Lord Kelvin predicted an insulating up-turn at low temperatures due to a freezing out of charge carriers; Matthiessen thought the resistance would decrease to a finite value; and Dewar predicted a smooth decrease to zero resistance at zero temperature. The abrupt drop in resistance at ∼4 K was a complete surprise! Over the next few decades, the critical temperature slowly increased through systematic tests of elements, alloys and compounds...