“…South China is characterized by widely exposed granites and intensely developed mineral resources of Mesozoic age (Figure ; Cao, Wu, et al, ; Hua et al, ; Jiang & Zhu, ; Li, Li, & Li, ; Li, Myint, et al, ; Li, Watanabe, & Yonezu, ; Mao, Cheng, Chen, & Pirajno, ; Wang et al, ). The Nanling Range in the central part of South China hosts an economically important W–Sn polymetallic ore belt (Figure ; Shu, Wang, Sun, Xu, & Dai, ; Zhu et al, ) that contains more than 60% of the world's total W reserves and about 20% of the Sn reserves (Li et al, ; Mao et al, ; Sheng et al, ).…”