“…Tercan et al (Tercan et al, 2020), used rank based methods such as Rank sum weight (RS), inverse / reciprocal weights (RR), the rank order centroid (ROC) and the point allocation (PA) method to prepare a suitability map for solar PV power plants in Turkey's Mediterranean provinces. Electricity generation resource features (GHI, aspect, slope, elevation), essential features (land use / cover, faults, ground conditions), obligatory features (protected areas, residential areas), infrastructural and complementary features (power network, rivers, water bodies), and logistics / transportation network features (land transportation network, railway transportation network) criteria were used (Tercan et al, 2020). In a study (Zoghi et al, 2017) conducted in Isfahan, Iran, Fuzzy Logic and AHP methods were used to compute the criteria weights of environmental (land use / cover, protected area, wetlands and water resource), geomorphological (elevation, slope, aspect), location (city center, power line, transportation network), and climatic (sunshine, cloudy days, GHI, dusty days, rainy and snowy days, humidity).…”