The K a = 1t ransitions of the H 2 Sd imer and several isotopomers were observed in apulsed nozzle Fourier transform microwave spectrometer.T hese provide unambiguous evidence that the H 2 Sd imer has an anisotropic structure exhibiting an S À H···S hydrogen bond. Theh ydrogen bond distance (H···S) is determined to be 2.778(9) ,w hich is smaller than the sum of van der Waals radii of Ha nd S( ca. 3 ). Thehydrogen bond angle ]S-H···S is determined to be 175(7)8 8.T he structure is similar to that of the well-explored H 2 Od imer, though in bulk, ice,a nd solid H 2 Sa ppear very different. Thes tructure determined from microwave spectroscopy is in very good agreement with the result from highlevel theoretical calculations.Thewater dimer,(H 2 O) 2 ,isprobably the most extensively studied hydrogen-bonded system, both experimentally [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] and theoretically. [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] Hydrogen bonding [16,17] is crucial to all life on earth. It is significantly weaker than ac ovalent bond but strong enough to establish the highly ordered structure of water ice.Itplays acrucial role in the structure of DNAand in passing the genetic code.The dissociation energy of the water dimer, D 0 ,l eading to two isolated water molecules,w as measured experimentally to be 1105 AE 10 cm À1 (13.2 AE 0.12 kJ mol À1 ). [18] There have been an umber of reports on the dimer of its sulfur analogue,( H 2 S) 2 . [19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26] Lemke has recently reported CCSD(T) calculations with complete basis set extrapolation on H 2 Sdimer and the dissociation energy is about 7kJmol À1 . [23] Them icrowave spectrum of the H 2 S dimer is interesting to examine because of clear structural differences between the condensed phases of H 2 Oand H 2 S. In the most commonly encountered form of solid water,ice,H 2 O is surrounded by four other water molecules.A ni ndividual molecule of H 2 Si ss urrounded by twelve H 2 Sm olecules in isomorphs of solid H 2 S [27,28] (as shown in Figure 1). Only asphere could accommodate 12 different neighbors,implying that each H 2 Smolecule interacts with neighboring molecules through an effectively spherical [29] potential energy surface. Thed ramatic difference between the condensed phases of water and hydrogen sulfide led Pauling [27] to conclude that the structure of water ice is mediated by anisotropic hydrogen bonds whereas the structure of solid H 2 Si sd etermined by isotropic van der Waals interactions.Optimized geometries of (H 2 O) 2 and (H 2 S) 2 calculated ab initio are similar, and both are hydrogen-bonded. Experimental studies on the H 2 Sdimer are fewer in number than those on the H 2 Od imer. Matrix isolation studies were not conclusive with respect to the structure of the H 2 Sd imer in solid N 2 , [30] O 2 , [31] Kr, [32] Xe, [33] and Ar [34] because H 2 Sreadily aggregates at low temperature to form higher oligomers,and infrared shifts are much smaller than those observed for H 2 Ocomplexes.Anexperiment that explored the gas phase structure of (H 2 S) 2 by infrared spectro...