An all-optical experiment long utilized to image phonons excited by ultrashort optical pulses has been applied to a magnetic sample. In addition to circular ripples due to surface acoustic waves, we observe an X-shaped pattern formed by propagating spin waves. The emission of spin waves from the optical pulse epicenter in the form of collimated beams is qualitatively reproduced by micromagnetic simulations. We explain the observed pattern in terms of the group velocity distribution of Damon-Eshbach magnetostatic spin waves in the reciprocal space and the wave vector spectrum of the focused ultrafast laser pulse. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.097201 PACS numbers: 75.30.Ds, 75.50.Bb, 75.78.Cd, 75.78.Jp The recent proliferation of studies on the interaction of femtosecond optical pulses with magnetic materials [1] has been primarily concerned with exploration and understanding of novel types of ultrafast magnetic phase transitions and the associated promise of a new paradigm of high speed magnetic data storage technology [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. Far less attention has been paid to the possibility of using the ultrafast optical excitation to induce magnetization precession and propagating spin waves [14][15][16][17][18]. However, such practice could lead to important applications (at least in the context of fundamental research) in the emerging field of ''magnonics'' [19,20]. An important breakthrough was recently achieved by Satoh et al., who demonstrated alloptical imaging of propagating magnetostatic spin waves of about 100 m wavelength excited by ultrafast optical pulses in a ferromagnetic dielectric [18]. However, despite the importance of magnetic dielectrics and long wavelength magnetostatic spin waves [21], the ultimate goal of magnonics requires that much shorter wavelength spin waves be excited and studied in magnetic thin films and nanostructures [16,19].In this Letter, we demonstrate that femtosecond optical pulses focused to a diffraction limited spot by a high quality microscope objective are able to excite spin waves at specific locations on the surface of a thin magnetic film. The propagation of the optically excited spin waves is imaged using a setup labeled here as time resolved optically pumped scanning optical microscope (TROPSOM), which has applications beyond the fields of magnonics and optomagnetism. The employed experimental scheme has been utilized to image optically excited propagating phonons [22], which are also observed in our experiments. As compared to the more conventional methods of spin wave excitation by current carrying microstrips [19,21], TROPSOM yields the benefit of broadband point magnonic sources, which could otherwise be only obtained by means of complex nanofabrication [23]. Inspired by the recent demonstrations of spin wave emission by resonant transducers under a uniform microwave field [24,25], one could even imagine building similar devices to enable effective conversion of the femtosecond laser light into a tailored spin wave emission pattern on a ...