“…Gathering researchers across the various domains under the same broad theme of ‘openness’ permits the exchange of insights from one domain to another and allows for comparative, collaborative and cumulative research across domains. Moreover, on the basis of a common conceptualization, these conversations and collaborations can more easily extend to other literatures that study similar aspects of organizing with different terms: for example, boundaryless organizations ( Ashkenas, Ulrich, Jick, & Kerr, 2015 ), post-bureaucratic and new organizational forms ( de Vaujany, Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, Munro, Nama, & Holt, 2021 ; Grey & Garsten, 2001 ), organizationality ( Endrissat & Islam, 2022 ; Schoeneborn, Kuhn & Kärreman, 2019 ), stakeholder engagement ( Kujala, Sachs, Leinonen, Heikkinen, & Laude, 2022 ), or participative governance ( Scherer & Voegtlin, 2020 ). Developing a general conceptualization of openness thus has the capacity to embrace many related phenomena investigated under a wide range of labels.…”