“…4,5 An increasing number of hantaviruses associated with human disease have been identified not only in North America, but also in South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, [6][7][8] ) and recently in Central America (Panama. 9 ) Person-to-person transmission was first documented during an outbreak of HPS in southern Argentina in 1996, [10][11][12] and most likely in two family clusters in Chile in 1997, 13 all associated with Andes (AND) virus. From 1995, when the first case of HPS was genetically characterized in Argentina, 14 through 2000, approximately 320 cases of HPS have been reported in three geographically distinct areas of the country: the southern region (Rio Negro, Chubut, and Neuqué n provinces), the central region (Buenos Aires, Entre Rios, and Santa Fe provinces), and the northern region (Salta and Jujuy provinces).…”