We have performed ultrasonic measurements on single-crystalline URu 2 Si 2 with pulsed magnetic fields, in order to check for possible lattice instabilities due to the hybridized state and the hidden-order state of this compound. The elastic constant ðC 11 À C 12 Þ=2, which is associated with a response to the À 3 -type symmetry-breaking (orthorhombic) strain field, shows a three-step increase at H ! 35 T for H k c at low temperatures, where successive meta-magnetic transitions are observed in the magnetization. We discovered a new fact that the absolute change of the softening of ðC 11 À C 12 Þ=2 in the temperature dependence is quantitatively recovered at the suppression of hybridized-electronic state and the hidden order in high-magnetic field for H k c associated with the successive transitions. The present results suggest that the À 3 -type lattice instability, is related to both the emergence of the hybridized electronic state and the hidden-order parameter of URu 2 Si 2 . On the other hand, magnetic fields H k ½100 and [110] enhance the softening of ðC 11 À C 12 Þ=2 in the hidden order phase, while no step-like anomaly is observed up to 68.7 T. We discuss the limitation of the localized-electron picture for describing these features of URu 2 Si 2 by examination of a crystalline electric field model in terms of mean-field theory.KEYWORDS: URu 2 Si 2 , hidden order, elastic constant, ultrasound, pulsed-magnetic field ''What is the primary order parameter and its ordering vector for the hidden order of URu 2 Si 2 ?'' is still an open and controversial question and a longstanding issue of condensed matter physics. 1) URu 2 Si 2 , which crystallizes in the ThCr 2 Si 2 -type tetragonal structure (space group No. 139, I4=mmm), shows an unknown second-order transition at T o ¼ 17:5 K, known as the hidden order (HO) phase, and also a transition into an unconventional superconducting state below T c $ 1:4 K. 1-3) Many theoretical models have been proposed from both localized and itinerant electron pictures in attempts to identify the order parameter of the HO phase. Since 29 Si-NMR and zero-magnetic-field SR measurements have detected little ( 1 G) or no significant internal-magnetic field in the HO phase, 4-6) non-dipolar-type order parameters, e.g., electric quadrupole (rank 2), hexadecapole (rank 4), À 3 -type magnetic octupole (rank 3), or dotriacontapole (rank 5) order parameters, are recently attracting attention. 7-13) Thus far, none of the characteristic signatures of the electric-quadrupole or magnetic-octupole order has been identified in resonant X-ray scattering (under magnetic fields) and neutron scattering under uniaxial stress. 14,15) On the other hand, a nematicity of the electron state in the HO is pointed out, since an in-plane rotational four-fold symmetry breaking is observed in the HO by the magnetic-torque measurement by use of cantilever technique. 16) The interpretation of these experimental results remains controversial.URu 2 Si 2 is also considered a heavy-fermion compound since several ph...