We present scalable implementations of spectral-element-based Schwarz overlapping (overset) methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes (NS) equations. Our SEM-based overset grid method is implemented at the level of the NS equations, which are advanced independently within separate subdomains using interdomain velocity and pressure boundarydata exchanges at each timestep or sub-timestep. Central to this implementation is a general, robust, and scalable interpolation routine, gslib-findpts, that rapidly determines the computational coordinates (processor p, element number e, and local coordinates (r, s, t) ∈Ω := [−1, 1] 3 ) for any arbitrary point x * = (x * , y * , z * ) ∈ Ω ⊂ lR 3 . The communication kernels in gslib execute with at most log P complexity for P MPI ranks, have scaled to P > 10 6 , and obviate the need for development of any additional MPI-based code for the Schwarz implementation. The original interpolation routine has been extended to account for multiple overlapping domains. The new implementation discriminates the possessing subdomain by distance to the domain boundary, such that the interface boundary data is taken from the inner-most interior points. We present application of this approach to several heat transfer and fluid dynamic problems, discuss the computation/communication complexity and accuracy of the approach, and present performance measurements for P > 12, 000.