The dynamics of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and the lipid headgroups in oriented purple membranes (PMs) was determined at various temperatures and relative humidity (rh) using solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The 31 P NMR spectra of the R-and γ-phosphate groups in methyl phosphatidylglycerophosphate (PGP-Me), which is the major phospholipid in the PM, changed sensitively with hydration levels. Between 253 and 233 K, the signals from a fully hydrated sample became broadened similarly to those of a dry sample at 293 K. The 15 N cross polarization (CP) NMR spectral intensities from [ 15 N]Gly bR incorporated into fully hydrated PMs were suppressed in 15 N CP NMR spectra at 293 K compared with those of dry membranes but gradually recovered at low temperatures or at lower hydration (75%) levels. The suppression of the NMR signals, which is due to interference with proton decoupling frequency (∼45 kHz), coupled with short spin-spin relaxation times (T 2 ) indicates that the loops of bR, in particular, have motional components around this frequency. The motion of the transmembrane R-helices in bR was largely affected by the freezing of excess water at low temperatures. While between 253 and 233 K, where a dynamic phase transition-like change was observed in the 31 P NMR spectra for the phosphate lipid headgroups, the molecular motion of the loops and the C-and N-termini slowed, suggesting lipidloop interactions, although protein-protein interactions between stacks cannot be excluded. The results of T 2 measurements of dry samples, which do not have proton pumping activity, were similar to those for fully hydrated samples below 213 K where the M-intermediates can be trapped. These results suggest that motions in the 10s µs correlation regime may be functionally important for the photocycle of bR, and protein-lipid interactions are motionally coupled in this dynamic regime.Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) 1 is one of the most extensively studied light-driven proton pumps in Haloarchaea. It contains seven transmembrane R-helices surrounding the retinal chromophore and has been the structural paradigm of G-protein-coupled receptors and other membrane proteins (1-5). It forms a protein-lipid complex of defined composition in the purple membrane (PM), where bR is arranged in trimeric units assembled in 2D crystalline patches in a hexagonal lattice. High-resolution X-ray (6-11) and electron (12, 13) crystallography have been used to determine the 3D structure of bR and the structural changes at K, L, M, N, and O photointermediates to understand the unidirectional translocation of proton pumping activity (14-23). Solid-state NMR spectroscopy has been used to provide detailed information about the local structural changes of retinal (24,25) around the key residues involved in proton pumping activity (26,27) and the local mobility of bR (28-30) under physiological conditions. Also, the structure and orientation of some R-helices of membrane-embedded bR have been determined by polarization inversion spin exchange at the magic angle (PISE...