The first summer school of the ''Thunderstorm Effects in the AtmosphereIonosphere System'' (TEA-IS) funded by the European Science Foundation through its Research Network Programme took place in Torremolinos (Spain) on June 17-22, 2012. The meeting gathered almost 100 scientists with different backgrounds (plasma physics, electrical and signal engineering, geophysics, space physics and computational science) coming from 20 countries, both from inside and outside TEA-IS member countries. We very briefly comment here on the five review papers included in this Special Issue of Surveys in Geophysics devoted to the 2012 TEA-IS summer school. This Special Issue is the outcome of the first summer school on ''Thunderstorm Effects in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System'' (TEA-IS), held in Torremolinos (Spain) on June 17-22, 2012. TEA-IS is one of the Research Networking Programmes (RNP) in Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences currently funded by the European Science Foundation (ESF). It aims to foster the scientific collaboration between researchers from subscribing countries, and it has been operative since May 2011, and will end in April 2016. More than 100 scientists from 10 countries participate in the TEA-IS network; the currently subscribing countries are Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.The scientific focus of the TEA-IS network is the thunderstorm-coupling between different layers of the Earth's atmosphere. This is a broad topic that includes transient luminous events (TLEs)-such as sprites, halos, ELVES and jets-as well as terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs), the propagation of gravity waves and the electric field-driven microphysics of the atmosphere. Since the electrical activity inside thunderclouds is the main driver of these processes, the TEA-IS network also includes participants that
123Surv Geophys (2013) 34:697-700 DOI 10.1007 specialize in the fundamentals of charging of thunderstorm particles, the physics of electric discharges and the applications and effects of lightning on weather.Within the framework of the TEA-IS network, the Transient Plasmas in Planetary Atmospheres group at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) organized the 2012 Torremolinos summer school as a venue to gather researchers from all the above fields. Up to 96 participants, including 30 students, attended the summer school; they originated from 20 countries, both TEA-IS members and non-members. The program, the list of participants, the proceedings and some additional information are available in the web page of the summerschool present Special Issue compiles five review articles from speakers invited to the summer school. These reviews cover a broad range of the research topics in the TEA-IS network; other topics have been recently reviewed elsewhere, and we will refer the interested reader to the appropriate literature.Being the origin of many atmosphere-ionosphere coupling processes, the lightning dischar...