While compression neuropathies of the nerves of the lower limbs are not a common pathology, peroneal nerve neuropathy is the most common of them. Peroneal nerve compression most commonly occurs at or around the head of the fibula, but can also occur in the lower leg, ankle, or foot. Neurophysiological and neuroimaging methods are effective in diagnosing peroneal nerve compression and determining the type of damage. The first line of therapy is lifestyle modification, avoidance of compressive postures, ankle joint orthotics, treatment of knee joint instability when detected, kinesiotherapy. An important role in the correction of symptoms is played using anticholinesterase drugs, the effectiveness of which in diseases of peripheral nervous system has been shown in a number of domestic studies. If conservative treatment fails, surgical treatment is recommended. The diagnosis of peroneal neuropathy is associated with a good prognosis and most patients experience complete recovery of nerve function.