1Odabafl› AB, Demirel B, Akar T, Dinç AH, Ünal BM. ‹kili ölüm: ‹ki olgu bildirisi. Adli T›p Bülteni, 2005; 10 (1): 24-28
ÖZET:Kiflinin cinayeti iflledikten sonra intihar etmesi ve/veya iki kiflinin birlikte intihar›, ikili ölüm olarak tan›mlanmaktad›r. S›kl›kla aile içinde, failin erkek, kurban›n kad›n oldu¤u ve ateflli silah kullan›m› ile gerçekleflen bu olaylara ülkemizde ve dün-yada nadir olarak rastlan›lmaktad›r. 1999-2003 y›llar› aras›nda Ankara'da meydana gelen biri ateflli silah, di¤eri kesici-delici alet ile cinayet, ard›ndan as› ile intihar fleklinde gerçeklefltiril-mifl iki adet ikili ölüm olgusu ülkemizde bildirilen di¤er olgular ve literatür eflli¤inde tart›fl›lm›flt›r.Anahtar kelimeler: ‹kili ölüm, as›, cinayet-intihar
SUMMARY:The suicide of a person after committing homicide, and/or two people committing suicide together is termed as dyadic death. Such events are usually domestic, occur by the use of firearms-with the murderer being male, the victim female-and encountered rarely in Turkey and around the world as well. Two cases of dyadic deaths that took place in Ankara between 1999 and 2003 are presented. One of them is committed with a firearm and the other with an incisive-perforating instrument and both ending with suicide by hanging. The cases are discussed with reference to other cases previously reported in Turkey and the literature.