Let C be a complex, reduced, locally planar curve. We extend the results of Rennemo [34] to reducible curves by constructing an algebra A acting on V = ⊕ n≥0 H * (C [n] , Q), where C [n] is the Hilbert scheme of n points on C. If m is the number of irreducible components of C, we realize A as a subalgebra of the Weyl algebra of A 2m . We also compute the representation V in the simplest reducible example of a node. Remark 1.2. The algebra A does not depend on C, but only on the number of components m. Remark 1.3. An argument similar to [34, Theorem 1.2] shows that V is free over Q[x i ] for any i = 1, . . . , m, and also over Q[∑ m i=1 y i ]. Through the ORS conjectures (see below), this may be seen as a version of Rasmussen's