This descriptive exploratory study analyzed user satisfaction with the care received at a Family Health Unit in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. In total, 40 users from families registered in the FHU were selected, using key informants and the snowball sampling technique, and interviewed.Thematic content analysis was used to analyze the empirical material. Interviewees were mostly female, over 50 years, resident in the catchment area of the unit for 10-30 years, had incomplete primary education and also did not perform work outside the home. The analysis identified three themes: access, team-user interaction and organization of work in the FHU.The subjects of this study expressed satisfaction with the accessibility provided together with the caring attention given to them, marked by a team-user interaction that takes place in a friendly and patience manner. Although not totally satisfied, the majority of users would recommend the health service to someone due to its quality. La asistencia en la Salud de la Familia bajo la perspectiva de los usuarios Este estudio exploratorio y descriptivo analizó la satisfacción del usuario en lo que se refiere a la atención recibida en una unidad de Salud de la Familia(USF) en Ribeirao Preto-SP, Brasil. Fueron entrevistados 40 usuarios de familias registradas por la USF, seleccionadas por informantes clave y muestreo por bola de nieve. El análisis temático de contenido se utilizó para analizar el material empírico. Los entrevistados son mayoritariamente mujeres, con más de 50 años, residentes en el área de alcance de la unidad, entre 10 y 30 años, tienen enseñanza primaria incompleta y no ejercían trabajo fuera del domicilio. El análisis identificó tres temas: acceso, interacción equipo-usuario y organización del trabajo en la USF. Los sujetos del estudio expresaron satisfacción con la accesibilidad desde que vinculada a la atención cuidadosa que recibían, marcada por una interacción equipo-usuario amigable y paciente. A pesar de que no están totalmente satisfechos, la mayoría de los usuarios indicaría este servicio por su calidad.Descriptores: Salud de la Familia; Atención Primaria de Salud; Satisfacción del Paciente; Servicios Básicos de Salud.
IntroductionThe Family Health -FH, strategy adopted by the Ministry of Health of Brazil, has been implemented throughout the country since 1994, in order to make changes to the logic of the current, biomedical, curative, individualizing, action fragmenting model of care. In this period of implementation, one of the criticisms elaborated refers to the maintenance of its core work, still doctorcentered, which does not qualitatively change the profile of services and acts only on the structure of services and not on the work process (1) .For this change of logic in the work process in FH, there is a need for actions that make it possible to work with individual and collective care, including actions for harm prevention, health promotion, as well as those related to the organization of the work process and that implicate the monitoring and evaluati...