An 11-year-old boy presented with three days' history of blunt trauma to the left shoulder due to a fall to the ground. The boy was taken to the traditional practitioner, who applied a very tight bandage over a piece of cartoon on the upper left humerus, which resulted in progressive pain and swelling of the whole left upper limb and impairment of movement and sensation. The tight bandage was removed after 48 h and fasciotomy was performed at Aljamhuri Hospital in Taiz, Yemen. The child was brought to our hospital after the family was informed about the need for left forearm amputation. We performed four sessions of debridement of the dead muscles and soft tissues of the flexor and extensor compartments of the left upper limb. After three months, the left upper limb healed with fixed flexor contracture of the elbow and wrist joint. Manipulation and release of adhesions and subsequent skin grafting was performed and the elbow joint was kept in extension, the wrist in the neutral position, and the interphalangeal joints in flexion. Although the limb was saved, its aesthetic appearance was retained, and some sensation was achieved, the lost motor function of the forearm (including the hand) was irreversible.