A classification system for natural rivers is presented in which a morphological arrangement of stream characteristics is organized into relatively homogeneous stream types. This paper describes morphologically similar stream reaches that are divided into 7 major stream type categories that differ in entrenchment, gradient, width/depth ratio, and sinuosity in various landforms. Within each major category are six additional types delineated by dominate channel materials from bedrock to silt/clay along a continuum of gradient ranges. Recent stream type data used to further define classification interrelationships were derived from 450 rivers throughout the U.S, Canada, and New Zealand. Data used in the development of this classification involved a great diversity of hydro-physiographic/geomorphic provinces from small to large rivers and in catchments from headwater streams in the mountains to the coastal plains. A stream hierarchical inventory system is presented which utilizes the stream classification system. Examples for use of this stream classification system for engineering, fish habitat enhancement, restoration and water resource management applications are presented. Specific examples of these applications include hydraulic geometry relations, sediment supply/availability, fish habitat structure evaluation, flow resistance, critical shear stress estimates, shear stress/velocity relations, streambank erodibility potential, management interpretations, sequences of morphological evolution, and river restoration principles.
General statement
-It has long been a goal of individuals working with rivers to define and understand the processes that influence the pattern and character of river systems. The differences in river systems, as well as their similarities under diverse settings, pose a real challenge for study. One axiom associated with rivers is that what initially appears complex is even more so upon further investigation. Underlying these complexities is an assortment of interrelated variables that determines the dimension, pattern, and profile of the present-day river. The resulting physical appearance and character of the river is a product of adjustment of its boundaries to the current streamflow and sediment regime. River form and fluvial process evolved simultaneously and operate through mutual adjustments toward self-stabilization. Obviously, a classification scheme risks oversimplification of a very complex system. While this may appear presumptuous, the effort to categorize river systems by channel morphology is justified in order to achieve, to some extent, the following objectives:1. Predict a river's behavior from its appearance; 2. Develop specific hydraulic and sediment relations for a given morphological channel type and state; 3. Provide 'a mechanism to extrapolate site-specific data collected on a given stream reach to those of similar character; 4. Provide a consistent and reproducible frame of reference of communication for those working with river systems in a variety of profe...