Szdzuy K, Mortola JP. Ventilatory chemosensitivity of the 1-dayold chicken hatchling after embryonic hypoxia. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 293: R1640-R1649, 2007. First published August 8, 2007; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00422.2007.-We investigated the effects of sustained embryonic hypoxia on the neonatal ventilatory chemosensitivity. White Leghorn chicken eggs were incubated at 38掳C either in 21% O 2 throughout incubation (normoxia, Nx) or in 15% O 2 from embryonic day 5 (hypoxia, Hx), hatching time included. Hx embryos hatched 铣11 h later than Nx, with similar body weights. Measurements of gaseous metabolism (oxygen consumption, V O2) and pulmonary ventilation (V E) were conducted either within the first 8 h (early) or later hours (late) of the first posthatching day. In resting conditions, Hx had similar V O2 and body temperature (Tb) and slightly higher V E and ventilatory equivalent (V E/V O2) than Nx. Ventilatory chemosensitivity was evaluated from the degree of hyperpnea (increase in V E) and of hyperventilation (increase in V E/V O2) during acute hypoxia (15 and 10% O2, 20 min each) and acute hypercapnia (2 and 4% CO2, 20 min each). The chemosensitivity differed between the early and late hours, and at either time the responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia were less in Hx than in Nx because of a lower increase in V E and a lower hypoxic hypometabolism. In a second group of Nx and Hx hatchlings, the V E response to 10% O2 was tested in the same hatchlings at the early and late hours. The results confirmed the lower hypoxic chemosensitivity of Hx. We conclude that hypoxic incubation affected the development of respiratory control, resulting in a blunted ventilatory chemosensitivity. developmental plasticity; epigenetic adaptation; hypercapnia; hypometabolism; hypoxic ventilatory response IN MAMMALS AND BIRDS, the development of the respiratory system is a long process. It begins early during gestation or incubation, when the embryo's gas-exchange needs are provided by nonpulmonary organs, and continues far into postnatal life, when pulmonary ventilation is the only means of fulfilling the aerobic requirements of the growing organism. A question of both biological and clinical interest is whether or not this process is strictly under genetic control or can be modulated by external events. In this latter case, the rather long time for structural and functional development gives the respiratory system the opportunity of adjusting to the postnatal changes in metabolic needs. Equally, however, it opens a potentially risky time window for environmental factors to interfere negatively with the normal development of the mechanisms of respiratory control, including ventilatory chemosensitivity.Several studies have questioned whether the ventilatory responses to hypoxia or hypercapnia reflect a genetically controlled and fixed program or are a phenotypic trait that can be modified through experiences, a phenomenon often referred to as developmental plasticity (18; see Ref. 7 for review). For example, studies on ...