The caddisfly fauna of 10 Protected Natural Areas (PNAs) in the southern part of the Russian Far East (9 on the continental part of Primorye Territory, and 1 on Kunashir Island, South Kuriles) were investigated and analyzed based on our own and literature data. The total caddisfly species list of studied PNAs includes 310 species of 90 genera, belonging to 26 families. The Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve is habitat for 97 species, Udege Legend − 56, Khankaysky − 119, Ussuriisky − 93, Lazovsky − 68, Tiger Call − 42, Kedrovaya Pad − 93, Leopard Land − 80, Far Eastern Marine − 59, and Kurilsky − 87. One hundred fifty-two species are added to lists of caddisflies in studied PNAs including, 5 in Sikhote-Alin, 40 in Udege Legend, 15 in Khankaysky, 11 in Ussuriisky, 8 in Lazovsky, 18 in Tiger Call, 2 in Kedrovaya Pad, 27 in Leopard Land, and 17 in Far Eastern Marine. Among 28 endemic and rare species, some are recommended for inclusion in the Russian Red Lists. A comparison of Trichoptera faunas showed the highest similarity between mountain, forested, well-investigated PNAs: Sikhote-Alin, Kedrovaya Pad, and Ussuriisky. The most distinctive caddisfly fauna is in the insular, southeasternmost Kurile Nature Reserve (63.2% specificity relative to other studied PNAs), and in the unforested lowland Khankaysky Nature Reserve (34.7% specificity). Comparisons of the species lists of closely located areas without accounting for longitudinal distribution of organisms and landscape peculiarities largely helps to identify faunal-landscape complexes, rather than biogeographic differences among faunas. All caddisfly species discovered in the PNAs are considered inhabitants of clean waters and their Tolerance Values are estimated from 0 to 4 (on a scale of 0 to 10) as a starting point.