“…Multiphase Darcy's law has been rigorously formulated by upscaling the Stoke's equation at the pore scale (e.g., Auriault, 1987;Daly & Roose, 2015;Hassanizadeh & Gray, 1980;Hornung, 1997;Lasseux et al, 2008;Kjelstrup et al, 2018;Whitaker, 1986), and since the microscopic details of the flow are usually neglected, its classical interpretation has been recently questioned. In fact, although the inherent instability of multiphase flows (Ling et al, 2017) may render the analysis of pore-scale distribution of the flowing phases challenging, recurring features in the topology of the nonwetting and wetting phase at the pore scale have been revealed by X-ray microtomography and high-performance computing (Armstrong et al, 2014(Armstrong et al, , 2012Blunt et al, 2013;Berg et al, 2013;Cueto-Felgueroso & Juanes, 2012;Gao et al, 2017;Garing et al, 2017;Li et al, 2005Li et al, , 2018bLin et al, 2018;Prodanovic et al, 2006Prodanovic et al, , 2007Reynolds et al, 2017;Tallakstad et al, 2009;Tahmasebi et al, 2017;Zarikos et al, 2018). Experiments and simulations show that the nonwetting phase can become disconnected flowing in the form of individual ganglia or even remaining immobilized (trapped) in the porous matrix.…”