The study subjects consisted of 120 patients who underwent right heart catheterization in our institution between March 2010 to April 2014. The results showed that there is a significant correlation between mortality and hemodynamic and paraclinical findings. With regards to the importance of heart failure as one of the most serious factors of mortality, finding the correlation between hemodynamic and paraclinical findings with mortality and morbidity of the patients can be helpful in application of therapeutic approaches. In the present study, we showed that there is a significant correlation between some hemodynamic and paraclinical findings with each other and with mortality that can be used as indices for mortality and morbidity of heart failure patients. But, more studies are needed for finding the correlation between hemodynamic and paraclinical patients with mortality and morbidity of heart failure patients. between referring time and heart graft was 87.09 ±80.05 days and the interval with the patient's mortality was 79.5±61.93 days.
Hemodynamic and paraclinical findingsHemodynamic and paraclinical findings of the patients are shown in (Tables 1-4). The correlation between hemodynamic parameters and paraclinical findingsThe results showed that there is a significant correlation between HR and paraclinical indices including Ca ,PH , CKMB, ALT, T4, and ESR, also, there is a significant correlation between hemodynamic findings (such as CO,CI,SBP and…) and some paraclinical findings (Table 5).
The correlation between laboratory findings with heart transplantationThe results showed that there is a direct correlation between heart graft and hemodynamic and paraclinical findings including CKMB, PP, Aorta Sat, TSH, FT4, FT3 and BS and also there was no significant correlation between heart graft and other evaluating findings. Correlation between hemodynamic findings and paraclinical findings with morbidity During this study, the correlation of hemodynamic and paraclinical findings with mortality was evaluated. 39 patients (32.5%) were available from 120 patients. The results showed that the most frequent referring after 1 month was for 19 patients and the least referring after 12 months was 1 case. Also, there was a significant correlation between mortality and some hemodynamic and paraclinical findings (Table 6).
Correlation between hemodynamic and paraclinical findings with mortalityThe results showed that there is a significant correlation between mortality and hemodynamic and paraclinical findings include CKMB, PP, Aorta Sat, CRP, HCo3, Pco2, PH and TIBC
DiscussionIn the present study, 120 patients including 80 men (66.67%) and 40 women (33.33%) with mean age of 38.28±15.60 and mean height of 172±10 and mean weight of 70.85±16.19 were included to evaluate the correlation between measured indices in catheterization of right heart and paraclinical findings with mortality and morbidity of patients with chronic heart failure. patients (14.9%) went under heart graft and 15 patients (12.4%) died. ...